Single Side Band ptychography example
This example uses an implementation of the single side band method to reconstruct an amplitude and phase image from a simulated 4D scanning transmission electron microscopy dataset with an additional synthetic potential modulation.
The dataset can be downloaded at
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import libertem.api as lt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import colors
# note: visulization requires empyre
# install empyre: pip install empyre
from empyre.vis.colors import ColormapCubehelix
from libertem import masks
from libertem.udf.sum import SumUDF
from libertem.executor.inline import InlineJobExecutor
from libertem.common.container import MaskContainer
from libertem.common.backend import set_use_cuda, set_use_cpu, get_device_class
from libertem.corrections.coordinates import identity
from libertem.viz.mpl import MPLLive2DPlot
from ptychography40.reconstruction.ssb import SSB_UDF, generate_masks
from ptychography40.reconstruction.common import wavelength, get_shifted
%matplotlib nbagg
Create the LiberTEM context
An inline executor executes LiberTEM UDFs in the process where this script is running instead of running it on worker processes. This is currently more efficient for this SSB implementation since it allows to re-use precalculated data better. For most other applications, running on distributed workers is faster. See also
inline_executor = InlineJobExecutor()
inline_ctx = lt.Context(executor=inline_executor)
Open the input data
This creates a LiberTEM dataset. The data is not loaded yet, but only when analyses are run on it.
file_params = {'path': r'E:\LargeData\LargeData\ER-C-1\projects\ptycho-4.0\data\live-ssb-paper\RefData\slice_00001_thick_1.9525_nm_blocksz100.raw',
'dtype': 'float32', 'nav_shape': [100, 100], 'sig_shape': [596, 596]}
ds = inline_ctx.load("RAW", **file_params)
Reconstruction parameters
These have to be adapted for each dataset.
rec_params = {
# NumPy base dtype for the calculation. Set to numpy.float64 for higher precision
'dtype': np.float32,
# Wavelength of the illuminating radiation in m
'lamb': wavelength(300),
# Scan step in x and y direction in m
'dpix': 1.9525e-9/100,
# Semiconvergence angle of the illumination in radians
'semiconv': 23e-3/2,
# Diameter of the zero order disk on the detector in pixels
'semiconv_pix': 68,
# Affine transformation matrix for adjusting rotation and handedness between scan and detector coordinates.
# The scale is handled by the other parameters.
'transformation': identity(),
# Position of the direct beam on the detecot in px
'cy': 297,
'cx': 297,
# Minimum size of a trotter. Increase this to suppress noise from very small trotters.
'cutoff': 1
mask_params = {
# Shape of the reconstructed area
'reconstruct_shape': tuple(ds.shape.nav),
# Shape of a detector frame
'mask_shape': tuple(ds.shape.sig),
# Use the faster shifting method to generate trotters
'method': 'shift',
Initial analysis of the dataset
We sum up all frames and confirm that size and position of the zero order beam match.
sum_udf = SumUDF()
live_plot = MPLLive2DPlot(
circ_a = plt.Circle((rec_params["cx"], rec_params["cy"]), rec_params["semiconv_pix"], fill=False, color='red')
sum_result = inline_ctx.run_udf(dataset=ds, udf=sum_udf, plots=[live_plot], progress=True)
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 14/14 [00:15<00:00, 1.09s/it]
Center of mass analysis
This is used to confirm that the coordinate system between scan and detector is properly adjusted. The beam should be deflected towards the nuclei for high resolution STEM data. That means that the field should have little curl and negative divergence at the position of the nuclei. Furthermore, x and y deflection should point towards the nuclei. See also
com_analysis = inline_ctx.create_com_analysis(
mask_radius=rec_params["semiconv_pix"] + 30
com_result =, progress=True)
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 14/14 [00:12<00:00, 1.10it/s]
[<AnalysisResult: field>, <AnalysisResult: magnitude>, <AnalysisResult: divergence>, <AnalysisResult: curl>, <AnalysisResult: x>, <AnalysisResult: y>]
fig, axes = plt.subplots()
y_centers, x_centers = com_result.field.raw_data
ch = ColormapCubehelix(start=1, rot=1, minLight=0.5, maxLight=0.5, sat=2)
axes.imshow(ch.rgb_from_vector(np.broadcast_arrays(y_centers, x_centers, 0)))
fig, axes = plt.subplots()
p = axes.imshow(com_result.magnitude.raw_data)
fig, axes = plt.subplots()
p = axes.imshow(com_result.divergence.raw_data)
fig, axes = plt.subplots()
p = axes.imshow(com_result.curl.raw_data)
fig, axes = plt.subplots()
p = axes.imshow(com_result.x.raw_data)
fig, axes = plt.subplots()
p = axes.imshow(com_result.y.raw_data)
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x264031509c8>
Pre-calculate the trotter stack
This takes some time and can be re-used for given reconstruction parameters. The stack is in a sparse matrix format.
trotters = generate_masks(**rec_params, **mask_params)
Wall time: 19.8 s
fig, axes = plt.subplots()
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x260b35a83c8>
Uncomment to use GPU processing on device 0 with the inline executor
# set_use_cuda(0)
We create a LiberTEM MaskContainer
from the mask stack. The MaskContainer
is used to calculate and cache subsets of the mask stack with optimized properties for a fast dot product and tiled processing.
mask_container = MaskContainer(
mask_factories=lambda: trotters, dtype=trotters.dtype, count=trotters.shape[0]
Mask factory size 132952070 larger than warning limit 1048576, may be inefficient
Instantiate and run the SSB UDF
The mask_container is passed to the UDF to allow re-use. This is a work-around for
udf = SSB_UDF(**rec_params, mask_container=mask_container)
We create dedicated plots so that we can add a colorbar and only plot amplitude and phase. These plots will be updated with calculation results when running the UDF in the cell after.
ssb_plots = []
for channel in 'amplitude', 'phase':
p = MPLLive2DPlot(
# We use the inline executor since the sparse matrix stack is quite large.
# Instead of process-based parallelism, we use multithreading in the UDF.
# This allows to re-use the masks and the cache of MaskContainer between partitions.
udf_result = inline_ctx.run_udf(udf=udf, dataset=ds, plots=ssb_plots, progress=True)
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 14/14 [00:39<00:00, 2.82s/it]
Wall time: 39.6 s
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