
Single side band

The algorithm after [PLY+15] is reformulated to allow incremental processing using a LiberTEM user-defined function [SWC+21]. The notebooks can be downloaded at

Animation of progressive SSB processing

Incremental ptychography animation [SWC+21].

Live processing with Quantum Detectors Merlin camera using LiberTEM-live:

Simplified implementation as a reference:

Tools for iterative algorithms

Many algorithms for iterative ptychographic reconstruction require the same basic operations. Ptychography 4.0 offers fast implementations for CPU and GPU for some of these operations that handle coordinate systems and parameters in a consistent way.

Example on simulated diffraction data

Transform to reconstruction coordinates

Usually, the pixel coordinates of detector and reconstruction grid are not aligned. In order to calculate an update of the object and probe function, the recorded detector image has to be transformed to match exactly the forward model, usually the Fourier transform of the exit wave. Furthermore, real-world implementations may require an FFT shift or inverse FFT shift to move the zero frequency to the correct position.

Doing this with numpy.fft.fftshift() and scipy.ndimage repeatedly for a whole dataset can be the rate-limiting step, while keeping an intermediate transformed version can be memory-consuming. Furthermore, it can be tricky to get the scaling in physical coordinates right.

Ptychography 4.0 offers a fast implementation that allows to perform the transformation of detector data to reconstruction coordinates on-the-fly. The implementation does not perform a precise interpolation, but chooses the nearest pixel value. If the detector data is scaled down, each pixel in the target area is filled with the average from the corresponding source area.

The transformation infrastructure consists of three components:

Applying a transformation with this method repeatedly on stacks of images can achieve excellent performance compared with working on image data using scipy.ndimage since the matrix has to be calculated only once and can then be applied with fast implementations for sparse matrix products from scipy.sparse and cupyx.scipy.sparse.

from ptychography40.reconstruction.common import (
    diffraction_to_detector, ifftshift_coords,
    image_transformation_matrix, apply_matrix

data_shape = (3, 8, 8)
data = np.random.random(data_shape)
source_shape = (8, 8)
target_shape = (4, 4)

f = diffraction_to_detector(
    # Detector is 2x finer than required
    pixel_size_detector=(1/8, 1/8),
    cy=source_shape[0] / 2,
    cx=source_shape[1] / 2,

m = image_transformation_matrix(
    # swap y and x (transpose) and scale up
    # Transformation goes backwards, from target to source

res = apply_matrix(data, m, target_shape)

In this particular example this is equivalent to the following:

# Binning, not accumulating intensity but keeping same absolute values
binned = data.reshape(
    (data.shape[0], target_shape[0], 2, target_shape[1], 2)
).mean(axis=(2, 4))
# flip_y + scan_rotation=90 is equivalent to transposing
transposed = np.transpose(binned, (0, 2, 1))
ref = np.fft.ifftshift(transposed, axes=(1, 2))

assert np.allclose(ref, res)

Shifted products and shifted aggregation

Ptychography can often be performed with a relatively small illumination function that is mapped across a larger object function since the illumination is usually limited in size. That means the forward calculation can be performed efficiently by slicing out the appropriate portion of the object function, obtaining the exit wave with a product, calculating the update function and then applying it back to the object function at the correct place.

Since the reconstruction can be performed with rather small illumination functions, for example shape (32, 32), an efficient Python implementation should calculate and apply many updates in a batch. ptychography40.reconstruction.common.rolled_object_probe_product_cpu() and ptychography40.reconstruction.common.rolled_object_probe_product_cuda() calculate a stack of cropped, shifted and rolled products. ptychography40.reconstruction.common.rolled_object_aggregation_cpu() and ptychography40.reconstruction.common.rolled_object_aggregation_cuda() accumulate a stack of shifted updates.

The function to calculate products also supports subpixel shifts if an array of illuminations with subpixel shifts is supplied. Finer resolution than the reconstruction grid can be supported for the scan coordinates that way. ptychography40.reconstruction.common.rolled_object_probe_product_cpu() returns the index of the subpixel-shifted probe for each product so that the correct shifted version can be selected easily in downstream code if necessary.

Since the forward calculation often includes a Fourier transform, these functions can optionally perform an FFT shift resp. inverse FFT shift on-the-fly to avoid unnecessary memory transfers.

from ptychography40.reconstruction.common import (
   rolled_object_probe_product_cpu, shifted_probes

obj_shape = (128, 128)
probe_shape = (32, 32)

obj = np.linspace(0, 1,

probe = np.zeros(probe_shape)
probe[8:24, 8:24] = 1

probes = shifted_probes(probe, 4)

count = 3
products = np.zeros((count, ) + probe_shape)
shifts = np.array([
   (0, 0),
   (3.25, 7.5),
   (-4, 127)
subpixel_indices = rolled_object_probe_product_cpu(

This is equivalent to the following NumPy implementation:

for i in range(count):
    subpixel_y = (shifts[i, 0] * 4).astype(int) % 4
    subpixel_x = (shifts[i, 1] * 4).astype(int) % 4
    shift_y = int(shifts[i, 0])
    shift_x = int(shifts[i, 1])
    ref = np.roll( # Roll the object under the probe,
        (-shift_y, -shift_x),
        axis=(0, 1)
    )[  # slice out the probe region
    ] * probes[subpixel_y, subpixel_x]  # multiply with probe

    # perform the inverse FFT shift
    ref = np.fft.ifftshift(ref)
    assert np.allclose(products[i], ref)
    assert np.all(subpixel_indices[i] == (subpixel_y, subpixel_x))

Now the update function can be calculated:

from ptychography40.reconstruction.common import rolled_object_aggregation_cpu

acc = np.zeros_like(obj)
updates = calculate_update(products)

This is equivalent to the following NumPy implementation:

acc_ref = np.zeros_like(obj)
int_shifts = shifts.astype(int)
shifted_updates = np.fft.fftshift(updates, axes=(1, 2))
for i in range(count):
    # Roll the accumulator under the probe position
    acc_ref = np.roll(acc_ref, (-int_shifts[i, 0], -int_shifts[i, 1]), axis=(0, 1))
    # Add the update to the appropriate slice
    acc_ref[:probe_shape[0], :probe_shape[1]] += shifted_updates[i]
    # Roll back to the original position
    acc_ref = np.roll(acc_ref, (int_shifts[i, 0], int_shifts[i, 1]), axis=(0, 1))
assert np.allclose(acc, acc_ref)