import functools
import numpy as np
import sparse
import numba
from libertem.masks import circular
from libertem.corrections.coordinates import identity
from ptychography40.reconstruction.common import get_shifted
def empty_mask(mask_shape, dtype):
Return an empty sparse mask
Improve readability
return sparse.zeros(mask_shape, dtype=dtype)
def mask_pair_subpix(cy, cx, sy, sx, filter_center, semiconv_pix):
Calculate positive and negative trotter mask for circular illumination
using a method with subpixel capability.
cy, cx : float
Position of the optical axis on the detector in px, center of illumination
sy, sx : float
Trotter shift value in px
filter_center : numpy.ndarray
Center illumination, i.e. zero order disk. This has to be circular and match the radius
semiconv_pix. It is just passed as an argument for efficientcy to avoid unnecessary
semiconv_pix : float
Semiconvergence angle in measured in detector pixel, i.e. radius of the zero order disk.
mask_positive, mask_negative : numpy.ndarray
Positive and negative trotter mask
mask_shape = filter_center.shape
filter_positive = circular(
centerX=cx+sx, centerY=cy+sy,
imageSizeX=mask_shape[1], imageSizeY=mask_shape[0],
filter_negative = circular(
centerX=cx-sx, centerY=cy-sy,
imageSizeX=mask_shape[1], imageSizeY=mask_shape[0],
mask_positive = filter_center * filter_positive * (filter_negative == 0)
mask_negative = filter_center * filter_negative * (filter_positive == 0)
return mask_positive, mask_negative
def mask_tile_pair(center_tile, tile_origin, tile_shape, filter_center, sy, sx):
Numerical work horse for :meth:`mask_pair_shift`, including tiling support.
The tiling support could be used to calculate the mask stack on the fly,
including support for UDF.process_tile().
center_tile : numpy.ndarray
Tile cut out from :code:`filter_center` for re-use to increase efficiency
tile_origin : tuple
Origin of the tile to calculate
tile_shape : tuple
Shape of the tile
filter_center : numpy.ndarray
Center illumination, i.e. zero order disk.
sy, sx : float
Trotter shift value in px
mask_positive : numpy.ndarray
Positive trotter tile
target_tup_p : numpy.ndarray of int
Start and stop indices per axis that were used for shifting the positive trotter tile.
offsets_p : numpy.ndarray
Offsets per axis that were used for shifting the positive trotter tile.
mask_negative : numpy.ndarray
Negative trotter tile
target_tup_n : numpy.ndarray
Start and stop indices per axis that were used for shifting the negative trotter tile.
offsets_n : numpy.ndarray
Offsets per axis that were used for shifting the negative trotter tile.
sy, sx, = int(np.round(sy)), int(np.round(sx))
positive_tile = np.zeros_like(center_tile)
negative_tile = np.zeros_like(center_tile)
# We get from negative coordinates,
# that means it looks like shifted to positive
target_tup_p, offsets_p = get_shifted(
shift=np.array((-sy, -sx))
# We get from positive coordinates,
# that means it looks like shifted to negative
target_tup_n, offsets_n = get_shifted(
shift=np.array((sy, sx))
sta_y, sto_y, sta_x, sto_x = target_tup_p.flatten()
off_y, off_x = offsets_p
positive_tile[sta_y:sto_y, sta_x:sto_x] = filter_center[
sta_y, sto_y, sta_x, sto_x = target_tup_n.flatten()
off_y, off_x = offsets_n
negative_tile[sta_y:sto_y, sta_x:sto_x] = filter_center[
mask_positive = center_tile * positive_tile * (negative_tile == 0)
mask_negative = center_tile * negative_tile * (positive_tile == 0)
return (mask_positive, target_tup_p, offsets_p, mask_negative, target_tup_n, offsets_n)
def mask_pair_shift(cy, cx, sy, sx, filter_center, semiconv_pix):
Calculate positive and negative trotter mask using a fast shifting method.
It has the same signature as :meth:`mask_pair_subpix` for easy changing
between the methods. That means several parameters that are only relevant
for the subpix method are ignored in this function.
cy, cx : float
Ignored, given implicitly by filter_center
sy, sx : float
Trotter shift value in px
filter_center : numpy.ndarray
Center illumination, i.e. zero order disk.
semiconv_pix : float
Ignored, given implicitly by filter_center
mask_positive, mask_negative : numpy.ndarray
Positive and negative trotter mask
(mask_positive, target_tup_p, offsets_p,
mask_negative, target_tup_n, offsets_n) = mask_tile_pair(
tile_origin=np.array((0, 0)),
return mask_positive, mask_negative
def generate_mask(cy, cx, sy, sx, filter_center, semiconv_pix,
cutoff, dtype, method='subpix'):
Generate the trotter mask for a specific shift sy, sx
cy, cx : float
Position of the optical axis on the detector in px, center of illumination
sy, sx : float
Trotter shift value in px
filter_center : numpy.ndarray
Center illumination, i.e. zero order disk. This has to be circular and match the radius
semiconv_pix if :code:`method=subpix`. It is passed for re-use to avoid unnecessary
semiconv_pix : float
Semiconvergence angle in measured in detector pixel, i.e. radius of the zero order disk.
cutoff : int
Minimum number of pixels in the positive and negative trotter. This can be used to purge
very small trotters to reduce noise.
dtype : numpy dtype
dtype to use for the mask
method : str, optional
Can be :code:`'subpix'`(default) or :code:`'shift'` to switch between
:meth:`mask_pair_subpix` and :meth:`mask_pair_shift` to generate the trotter pair.
mask : sparse.COO
Mask in COO format
mask_shape = filter_center.shape
# 1st diffraction order and primary beam don't overlap
if sx**2 + sy**2 > 4*np.sum(semiconv_pix**2):
return empty_mask(mask_shape, dtype=dtype)
if np.allclose((sy, sx), (0, 0)):
# The zero order component (0, 0) is special, comes out zero with above code
m_0 = filter_center / filter_center.sum()
return sparse.COO(m_0.astype(dtype))
params = dict(
cy=cy, cx=cx, sy=sy, sx=sx,
if method == 'subpix':
mask_positive, mask_negative = mask_pair_subpix(**params)
elif method == 'shift':
mask_positive, mask_negative = mask_pair_shift(**params)
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported method {method}. Allowed are 'subpix' and 'shift'")
non_zero_positive = mask_positive.sum()
non_zero_negative = mask_negative.sum()
if non_zero_positive >= cutoff and non_zero_negative >= cutoff:
m = (
mask_positive / non_zero_positive
- mask_negative / non_zero_negative
) / 2
m_dt = m.astype(dtype)
m_sparse = sparse.COO(m_dt)
return m_sparse
# Exclude small, missing or unbalanced trotters
return empty_mask(mask_shape, dtype=dtype)
def generate_masks(reconstruct_shape, mask_shape, dtype, lamb, dpix, semiconv,
semiconv_pix, transformation=None, cy=None, cx=None, cutoff=1,
cutoff_freq=np.float32('inf'), method='subpix'):
Generate the trotter mask stack.
The y dimension is trimmed to size(y)//2 + 1 to exploit the inherent
symmetry of the mask stack.
reconstruct_shape : tuple(int)
Shape of the reconstructed area
mask_shape : tuple(int)
Shape of the detector
dtype : numpy dtype
dtype to use for the mask stack
lamb : float
Wavelength of the illuminating radiation in m
dpix : float or (float, float)
Scan step in m. Tuple (y, x) in case scan step is different in x and y direction.
semiconv : float
Semiconvergence angle of the illumination in radians
semiconv_pix : float
Semiconvergence angle in measured in detector pixel, i.e. radius of the zero order disk.
transformation : numpy.ndarray, optional
Matrix for affine transformation from the scan coordinate directions
to the detector coordinate directions. This does not include the scale, which is handled by
dpix, lamb, semiconv and semiconv_pix. It should only be used to rotate and flip
the coordinate system as necessary. See also
cy, cx : float, optional
Position of the optical axis on the detector in px, center of illumination.
Default: Center of the detector
cutoff : int, optional
Minimum number of pixels in the positive and negative trotter. This can be used to purge
very small trotters to reduce noise. Default is 1, i.e. no cutoff unless one trotter is
cutoff_freq: float
Trotters belonging to a spatial frequency higher than this value in reciprocal pixel
coordinates will be cut off.
method : str, optional
Can be :code:`'subpix'`(default) or :code:`'shift'` to switch between
:meth:`mask_pair_subpix` and :meth:`mask_pair_shift` to generate a trotter pair.
masks : sparse.COO
Masks in COO format. y and x frequency index are FFT shifted, i.e. the
zero frequency is at (0,0) and negative frequencies are in the far quadrant and reversed.
The y frequency index is cut in half with size(y)//2 + 1 to exploit the inherent symmetry
of a real-valued Fourier transform. The y and x index are then flattened to make it
suitable for using it with MaskContainer.
reconstruct_shape = np.array(reconstruct_shape)
dpix = np.array(dpix)
d_Kf = np.sin(semiconv)/lamb/semiconv_pix
d_Qp = 1/dpix/reconstruct_shape
if cy is None:
cy = mask_shape[0] / 2
if cx is None:
cx = mask_shape[1] / 2
if transformation is None:
transformation = identity()
filter_center = circular(
centerX=cx, centerY=cy,
imageSizeX=mask_shape[1], imageSizeY=mask_shape[0],
half_reconstruct = (reconstruct_shape[0]//2 + 1, reconstruct_shape[1])
masks = []
for row in range(half_reconstruct[0]):
for column in range(half_reconstruct[1]):
# Do an fftshift of q and p
qp = np.array((row, column))
flip = qp > (reconstruct_shape / 2)
real_qp = qp.copy()
real_qp[flip] = qp[flip] - reconstruct_shape[flip]
if np.sum(real_qp**2) > cutoff_freq**2:
masks.append(empty_mask(mask_shape, dtype=dtype))
# Shift of diffraction order relative to zero order
# without rotation in physical coordinates
real_sy_phys, real_sx_phys = real_qp * d_Qp
# We apply the transformation backwards to go
# from physical orientation to detector orientation,
# while the forward direction in center of mass analysis
# goes from detector coordinates to physical coordinates
# Afterwards, we transform from physical detector coordinates
# to pixel coordinates
sy, sx = ((real_sy_phys, real_sx_phys) @ transformation) / d_Kf
cy=cy, cx=cx, sy=sy, sx=sx,
# Since we go through masks in order, this gives a mask stack with
# flattened (q, p) dimension to work with dot product and mask container
masks = sparse.stack(masks)
return masks